frequently asked questions

For how long is the program available?

You have access to the program forever. You can open the course at any time and adjust the program to suit your needs.

If I have limitations and contraindications in sports, will this program work for me?

Yes, because the program is made personally for each person. It takes into account your current weight, age, eating habits, possible limitations, and desired results

How long before I can see the first results?

Observing all the recommendations given in the program, you will notice the first changes after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise

What if there are exercises in the program that I can't do?

You can always adjust the program to your physical abilities

How much time should I devote to the program to get results?

The program is structured so that everyone can find time to exercise and prepare healthy meals. The workouts are designed for 15-30 minutes, and the menu is as simple as possible from available products